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Tomorrow's leaders
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Prepared. For Life.

Find Growth & Adventure in 
Scouting America

Does your child crave excitement and opportunities to develop their character? Golden Gate Area Council, Scouting America will gladly help them start their adventure with a unit that fits your needs and engrosses your child or adolescent in nature, values, and camaraderie. We offer various activities and programs to help them grow, learn, and have fun, including our Cub Scouts Packs for grades Kinder to fifth grade for good family time fun and Scouts BSA Troops for Boys and Girls from grades six through 12th, co-ed Venturing for 14 to 20 years old, Sea Scouts, and Career Exploration options in our Posts. 

Cub Scouts

Grades K – 5

Scouts BSA

Ages 11 – 17


Ages 14 – 20

Sea Scouts

Ages 14 – 20


Ages 10 – 20

Ways to Get Involved
with Scouting

Golden Gate Area Council invites you to take advantage of the enriching scouting events and opportunities our organization offers participants. Getting involved is as simple as attending one of our recruitment events. These events occur at the beginning of the school year and allow you to ask questions and meet the unit leader. You can also use the online application process to join with a completely digital process. If you have any questions outside a recruitment event, we invite you to contact us so we can direct you to the right district and your closest unit.


Sea Scouts




Shooting Sport


Scouting for Food

Order of the Arrow